There is no question that we are in a transitory period. Perhaps a change so significant that it will take a few years before we realize where we are going next as a society on a global scale. Denying that this is happening is refusing to accept what has been the history of the world.
For decades the US has been the example of freedom, prosperity, and innovation. It even had the highest production capacity in the world. But history repeats itself and from what we can gather from our known history of about 10,000 years is that whenever a dominant empire or country starts a decline at the same time, there is another in the process of rising.
This is very evident today as some countries are already more prosperous and capable of considerable production than the US. Liberty, what made America special in commerce and social domains, is not prevalent as it once was. The last generations have lived beyond their means, and the leaders enjoyed unlimited budgets without any fiscal responsibility. The economic collapse is inevitable.
Denial is built-in into ourselves. It is a defense mechanism, a normal reaction to difficult or stressful situations. Denial gives the mind time to unconsciously take shocking information to the brain so we don’t collapse when facing the unthinkable.
Beyond those instances, denial can also become a way to avoid acknowledging our weakness or facing the consequences of reality. In some cases, it can prevent an individual from taking action to deal with a problem.
I have seen people maintain a certain level of denial because they feared their actions would bring negative results and therefore lose face with their peers. At some level, you know a problem needs to be addressed, but you feel that nothing you do or say will make a difference. And you wait, delaying the inevitable outcome, for things to get totally out of control.
The disruption in logistics has been something without precedent. And $200,000 used trucks made everyone scratch their head. Everything that has happened in the last few years is unprecedented and unsustainable. I am most surprised at the level of denial we live in today.
We know what is coming. Thousands of high mileage trade-ins. Higher cost of borrowing. Depressed real-state markets. Nothing that we have not seen before. But what you do now will make the difference next year and beyond. One of the latest reports shows an average of 2.5 trucks sold per location across the US. What is your plan for a quarter of no sales? You are in denial if you do not consider the consequences of not dealing with it now.
I am not saying it is easy to address this, especially when we live in a period of mass denialism. This dissent is more menacing as it represents the transformation of the everyday practice of denial into a new way people see the world. If denial hides from the truth, denialism searches for a “better” truth to continue with the denial among groups of people.
Face your denial by not rationalizing and ignoring the negatives of the situation. Find the time to work on a plan as this is extremely important. The mental fatigue from anxiety (created by the denial) will affect your health in ways that no doctor can help. It is as simple as pain now or later. The longer you wait, the more suffering you endure.
No hay duda de que estamos en un período transitorio. Quizás un cambio tan significativo que tomará algunos años antes de que nos demos cuenta de hacia dónde nos dirigimos como sociedad a escala global. Negar que esto está pasando es negarse a aceptar lo que ha sido la historia del mundo.
Durante décadas, Estados Unidos ha sido el ejemplo de libertad, prosperidad e innovación. Incluso tenía la capacidad de producción más alta del mundo. Pero la historia se repite y por lo que podemos deducir de nuestra conocida historia de aproximadamente 10.000 años es que cada vez que un imperio o país dominante comienza a declinar, al mismo tiempo hay otro que esta en proceso de ascenso.
Esto es muy evidente hoy en día, ya que algunos países ya son más prósperos y capaces de una producción considerablemente mayor que los Estados Unidos. La libertad, lo que hizo que este pais fuera especial en el mundo, en el comercio y los dominios sociales no prevalece como antes. Las últimas generaciones han vivido por encima de sus posibilidades económicas, y los líderes han disfrutado de presupuestos ilimitados sin ningún tipo de responsabilidad fiscal. El colapso económico es inevitable.
La negación está incorporada en nosotros mismos. Es un mecanismo de defensa. Una reacción normal ante situaciones difíciles o estresantes. La negación le da tiempo a la mente para llevar, de manera inconsciente, información impactante al cerebro para que no nos vengamos abajo al enfrentarnos a lo impensable.